Interpretations - Sacred Knowledge - Native American History and Culture

Native American Culture

A long time ago North America was very different from the way it is today. There were no highways, cars, or cities. There were no schools, malls, or restaurants. But even long, long ago, there were still communities. A community is where a group of people work, live, and have fun together. People made their own homes, food, and clothing from the plants and animals they found around them.
These first Americans descended, or came, from cave men in Asia. These were the first people to live in North America. That is why we call them Native Americans. These people have lived in North America for thousands of years, and there are still Indian communities today.
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"Alone on the Canyon Rim" | ©2006, Stephen Conklin, Jr.
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"Looking Over Devil's Canyon, Utah" | ©2006, Stephen Conklin, Jr.
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"Once Upon a Tree at San Rafael Swell" | ©2006, Stephen Conklin, Jr.
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"Evening Shadows Approaching Bryce Canyon" | ©2006, Stephen Conklin, Jr.
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