Astrology - Pisces - Further Information About Pisces

More About Pisces
Enchanting and mysterious, Pisces is the sign of the psychic. In tune with the synchronicities of the Earth and universe and very intuitive, Pisces is also a natural healer. A pleasure to bestow as a friend or partner, yet difficult to understand, Pisces is sure to continually keep you guessing. They have a strong tendancy to give more than they ask of their aquaintances, are intensely loyal and tend to connect with other like minded spirits.
Pisces people are very versatile and have the ability to mix and mingle within virtually any situation with ease. They communicate very well, often taking a simple idea or problem and articulating a beautiful solution many can appreciate.

"White Rock Fog Trail" | ©2004, Stephen Conklin, Jr.
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Pisces people are known to be able to absorb an environment or situation completely and have a very strong intuition. It's as if they have been there before, as they have a tremendous ability to adapt to many situations with confidence.
Most, if not all Pisces, were born on this planet with that famous intuition that rarely lets them down. These traits which are abundant within a Pisces person come as no surprise - Pisces is the child of Neptune, the mistress of altered states. Neptune is known for dissolving boundaries, and because Neptune is the "patron planet" of Pisces, that gift has been passed along to them.
Pisces are often found getting lost within a movie, a magical moment or fantasy, and often leave the harshness of reality behind whenever the need arises. This is truly a great gift to bestow.
Pisces is also the most emotional of the signs, hands down. Nobody can "feel" things the way a Pisces can - a Pisces seems to know what it feels like to break a leg, even if they've never broken one. They can walk into a room and instantly feel the vibe, and have no problem interpreting the negative or positive energies emitting from people and experiences. Their incredible intuition often leaves them the kind of insights that will make you assume they can read your mind.

"Raven Over Bryce Canyon" | ©2006, Stephen Conklin, Jr.
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Because there are no boundaries between a Pisces and the world around them, they often feel everything - absolutely everything. Differentiating between what they feel and what someone else is feeling, especially someone they care about, is Pisces greatest challenge. Pisces people are likely to learn early on, how to "escape" in one way or another and become an expert at it. Pisces have a Houdini like ability to escape any situation or feeling without hesitation. However, Pisces needs to be careful, as often times that much-needed vacation for a week can easily become several months more, or even indefinitely!
Pisces are certainly appreciated, as many people are happier with you in their lives, so be sure to come back at some point or at least stay in contact with those you consider to be your truest friends and don't forget about your family either.
When it comes to relationships, there is no question that when a Pisces is involved, they are completely involved. A Pisces will literally walk on fire for the ones they care about and love. People born under the sign of Pisces are far better at long-term relationships than many other signs, and much, much better at keeping the romance alive with the little things - such as hand delivering a single flower, ordering a single dessert with two spoons, never, ever forgetting a special occasion, and many other things you'd never imagine anyone could dream of doing for someone.
Pisces needs to be careful that they don't paint too perfect of a picture in their perception of their partner. Although they might not like it, nobody is perfect, not even their special someone. When you put someone up on a pedestal, they have to come down eventually. A Piscean should stand next to their partner proudly, and love them because of, not in spite of their faults. However, Pisces themselves are not perfect, and sometimes their indecisiveness and multiple self-formulated opinions, insights, intuitions and other distractions they absorb can drive them crazy - crazy enough to ruin a good thing.
When a Pisces goes against their instincts, it's normally not a positive result. Pisces people need to remember their ability to see things for what they truly are, and to follow those instincts because they will rarely lead them astray.

"Hanging Around City Island After Dark" | ©2006, Stephen Conklin, Jr.
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