Astrology - Pisces - Pisces and Friendship

They may seem to be wandering about in their own little world sometimes, but Pisces is one of the most caring friends you'll ever have. This Water Sign has emotions to spare, so prepare yourself for long evenings of heart-to-heart talks with your Pisces pal. This friend will truly want to know the real you, and they'll probably be able to pick up on how you're feeling no matter what you tell them.[continued below]

"Two Turkeys" | ©2005, Stephen Conklin, Jr.
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They're a great friend when you're in need. If nothing else, they'll have an open ear for your troubles and a handy box of tissues for your tears. Watch out, though. Pisces can be easily manipulated, and their feelings can be hurt by the slightest misguided comment from a friend's mouth.
What they need is for you, as their friend, to reassure them and help them past their insecurities. They will always be open with their emotions, so the biggest favor you can do for them is return that trust by revealing yourself. You'll never be bored with your creative Pisces friend if you just keep an open mind and let them whisk you away into their world for a while.

"Turkey & Peacock Square Off" | ©2007, Stephen Conklin, Jr.
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