Astrology - Pisces - Pisces Compatibility

Pisces with Aquarius | Pisces with Pisces | Pisces with Aries
Pisces with Taurus | Pisces with Gemini | Pisces with Cancer
Pisces with Leo | Pisces with Virgo | Pisces with Libra
Pisces with Scorpio | Pisces with Sagittarius | Pisces with Capricorn

"Myrtle Beach Sunrise" | ©2003, Stephen Conklin, Jr.
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Pisces & Aquarius
Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune. It's symbol is represented by the two Fish.
Pisces is a Water sign, and is emotional and compassionate.
Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus. It's symbol is represented by the Water-bearer. Aquarius is an Air sign, and is independent and unconventional.
Actually a very good combination. Pisces is so adaptable he/she could stay in any relationship that takes into account his/her sensitivity and compassion. Pisces likes Aquarius unconventional way's. Aquarius likes and understands Pisces sacrificing nature. With Aquarius, you must first become his/her friend and gradually work up to a full relationship. Aquarians will have to realize that Pisces gives away or at least loans everything out to his friends and relatives. Aquarius can add a bit of dash to Pisces' creations with just a suggestion. It is a good idea to compare your rising sign to the rising sign (or Sun sign) of the person you are comparing yourself with. This will give you a more detailed overall picture of the relationship.
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"Rock Run Waterflow" | ©2007, Stephen Conklin, Jr.
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Pisces & Pisces
Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune. It's symbol is represented by the two Fish.
Pisces is a Water sign, and is emotional and compassionate.
These two are gentle, soft spoken and adaptable. They are also clever and artistic, sometimes to the point of genius. They are satisfied with very little and usually take the road of least resistance. They would rather walk away than argue or stand up for themselves. Pisces would rather “hide” than be noticed. They are usually pessimistic, believing that nothing really good or lucky could happen to them. Pisces is very mystical and excellent with ESP - sending and receiving thought messages back and forth. Pisces is full of anxieties and can be very untidy so one of you will need a strong Rising Sign. It is a good idea to compare your rising sign to the rising sign (or Sun sign) of the person you are comparing yourself with. This will give you a more detailed overall picture of the relationship.
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"Foggy Reflections of the Conewago Creek" | ©2005, Stephen Conklin, Jr.
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Pisces & Aries
Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune. It's symbol is represented by the two Fish.
Pisces is a Water sign, and is emotional and compassionate.
Aries is ruled by the planet Mars. It's symbol is represented by the Ram.
Aries is a Fire sign, and is impulsive and energetic.
Pisces is ultra sensitive no matter the face they show to the world. Aries is rather thoughtless and may inadvertently trample right over Pisces feelings and sensitivity. Aries is always sorry later since Aries had no idea Pisces felt hurt. Aries is all dash and danger while Pisces is all emotion and compassion. Pisces has compassion, Aries has passion. Pisces is the artist and Aries will find the market that puts Pisces into first place with top billing. Pisces loves mystery and intrigue whereas Aries just wants to shoot 'em now and get it over with. It is a good idea to compare your rising sign to the rising sign (or Sun sign) of the person you are comparing yourself with. This will give you a more detailed overall picture of the relationship.
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"Autumn Color Collage" | ©2006, Stephen Conklin, Jr.
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Pisces & Taurus
Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune. It's symbol is represented by the two Fish.
Pisces is a Water sign, and is emotional and compassionate.
Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus. It's symbol is represented by the Bull.
Taurus is an Earth sign, and is reliable and materialistic.
Taurus wants (needs) money and luxury but Pisces will never understand this because he/she only needs enough to barely get along. Pisces has no business sense and abhors responsibility. Both signs are artistic but whereas Taurus will sell his/her art, Pisces will give it away or trade it for something he/she needs. Taurus is practical where Pisces is impractical. They are both quiet, peace-loving signs and will seldom argue although they will both brood and turn pessimistic. Woe to the Pisces who idly drifts through life - Taurus will not stand for it. And the Taurus who comes on like a bull? Pisces will quietly disappear. It is a good idea to compare your rising sign to the rising sign (or Sun sign) of the person you are comparing yourself with. This will give you a more detailed overall picture of the relationship.
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"Shenandoah Fog" | ©2003, Stephen Conklin, Jr.
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Pisces & Gemini
Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury. It's symbol is represented by the Twins.
Gemini is an Air sign, and is analytical and ever-changing.
Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune. It's symbol is represented by the two Fish.
Pisces is a Water sign, and is emotional and compassionate.
Pisces is too sensitive for Gemini. Gemini is too mercurial for Pisces. Pisces needs peace and quiet while Gemini needs to be active and noisy. If you can each take time out for yourselves, then you may be able to work out this relationship. You are both creative and inventive and each of you has the ability to adapt. This relationship takes a lot of adapting and adjusting. Pisces is the dreamer while Gemini is the mechanic so what Pisces thinks up, Gemini can build and someone else can market. It is a good idea to compare your rising sign to the rising sign (or Sun sign) of the person you are comparing yourself with. This will give you a more detailed overall picture of the relationship.
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"Spring Morning Enchantment" | ©2004, Stephen Conklin, Jr.
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Pisces & Cancer
Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune. It's symbol is represented by the two Fish.
Pisces is a Water sign, and is emotional and compassionate.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon. It's symbol is represented by the Crab.
Cancer is a Water sign, and is emotional and supportive.
A very harmonious relationship, one of the best. Your differences are easily absorbed, one by the other, for you are both willing to compromise and sympathize. One of these differences is that Cancer needs to save for that rainy day while Pisces gives it away to anyone who needs it. Both are moody. Pisces reflects and Cancer absorbs so hopefully these moods will be few and far between because each brings the other into their moods. This can be wonderful or devastating, depending on the mood. Pisces listens and Cancer cares - what a grand combination. Cancer wants to be pampered and Pisces will be more than accommodating. It is a good idea to compare your rising sign to the rising sign (or Sun sign) of the person you are comparing yourself with. This will give you a more detailed overall picture of the relationship.
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"Waterflow at Bull Run in Autumn" | ©2004, Stephen Conklin, Jr.
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Pisces & Leo
Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune. It's symbol is represented by the two Fish.
Pisces is a Water sign, and is emotional and compassionate.
Leo is ruled by the Sun. It's symbol is represented by the Lion.
Leo is a Fire sign, and is creative and grandiose.
Unless Pisces is a great artist and earns lots of money or is the female half of this combination, Leo will smugly lord it all over Pisces. With a sensitive soul like Pisces, Leo the Lion would have to hold back his roar and not lecture his devoted Pisces too often or she will slip silently away. Pisces will soon learn not to push her Lion but to gently persuade him with subtle flattery. Leo will have to learn a little humility to keep his Pisces mate. He will have to be the gentle pussy-cat around Pisces rather than the arrogant, proud, roaring Lion. It is a good idea to compare your rising sign to the rising sign (or Sun sign) of the person you are comparing yourself with. This will give you a more detailed overall picture of the relationship.
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"Autumn Fog Upon the Wishbone Tree" | ©2004, Stephen Conklin, Jr.
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Pisces & Virgo
Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune. It's symbol is represented by the two Fish.
Pisces is a Water sign, and is emotional and compassionate.
Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury. It's symbol is represented by a Virgin holding stalks of grain. Virgo is an Earth sign, and is methodical and improving.
Polar opposites, you two also have some traits in common; sensitivity, sympathy, and shyness. Being opposites, you actually (want) need each other's qualities. Pisces is imaginative (Virgo needs this). Virgo is neat and organized (Pisces needs this). Virgo is very critical and has a tendency to nag. Pisces will overlook almost anything but nagging gets to him/her and one day Pisces may just silently slip away. Virgo turns a bit stingy now and then while Pisces remains generous and gives everything away to needy people and/or causes. Your own bank accounts may be the answer here as long as Virgo does not read Pisces' monthly statements. It is a good idea to compare your rising sign to the rising sign (or Sun sign) of the person you are comparing yourself with. This will give you a more detailed overall picture of the relationship.
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"Stormy Skies, Water & Spirits" | ©2005, Stephen Conklin, Jr.
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Pisces & Libra
Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune. It's symbol is represented by the two Fish.
Pisces is a Water sign, and is emotional and compassionate.
Libra is ruled by the planet Venus. It's symbol is represented by the Scale.
Libra is an Air sign, and is balanced and charming.
A very soothing relationship. Libra's smile and Pisces' dreamy eyes are quite a combination. You will not understand one another since motives, character traits and personalities are so different. Pisces is service oriented so will in some way serve Libra but both should be on guard against too much of a good thing. Libra cannot take Pisces for granted for Pisces will eventually slip silently away. There is a magnetic pull between these two signs. Both like soft, muted colors and music, both need peace and quiet and both are willing to compromise. It is a good idea to compare your rising sign to the rising sign (or Sun sign) of the person you are comparing yourself with. This will give you a more detailed overall picture of the relationship.
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"Winter With a Woodpecker" | ©2005, Stephen Conklin, Jr.
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Pisces & Scorpio
Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune. It's symbol is represented by the two Fish.
Pisces is a Water sign, and is emotional and compassionate.
Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto. It's symbol is represented by the Scorpion.
Scorpio is a Water sign, and is passionate and intense.
These two signs understand each other and seem to be magnetically drawn together. There is seldom any disharmony here. Life has much more meaning when these two finally get together. there just seems to be more of everything. EXCEPT Pisces must never, ever tell even a little white lie to Scorpio and Scorpio must never, ever explode in anger at Pisces. If this happens, one of you will leave - Scorpio in a fit of anger and Pisces just slipping away. (Even a patient Pisces knows when enough is enough). Normally Pisces can soothe and smooth but with Scorpio, flattery works better. The best course is to create a totally honest relationship here and allow nature to take it's course. It is a good idea to compare your rising sign to the rising sign (or Sun sign) of the person you are comparing yourself with. This will give you a more detailed overall picture of the relationship.
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"The Many Eyes of a Peacock" | ©2006, Stephen Conklin, Jr.
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Pisces & Sagittarius
Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune. It's symbol is represented by the two Fish.
Pisces is a Water sign, and is emotional and compassionate.
Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter. It's symbol is represented by the Archer.
Sagittarius is a Fire sign, and is straight-forward and free.
A challenging combination since Pisces is so sensitive and Sagittarius has no tact. A truly great sense of humor is a must and if anyone has humor it is these two signs. Pisces carefully avoids the truth (without lying) for the simple reason Pisces does not want to hurt anyone's feelings. Sagittarius just blurts out the truth (as he/she sees it) and lets the chips fall where they may. Sagittarius needs to soften their approach to Pisces and Pisces needs to learn to admire Sagittarius' idealism. You are both very changeable and it is difficult to settle down. Too many “truths” out of Sagittarius and Pisces will simply disappear one day. It is a good idea to compare your rising sign to the rising sign (or Sun sign) of the person you are comparing yourself with. This will give you a more detailed overall picture of the relationship.
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"Raven Over Bryce Canyon" | ©2006, Stephen Conklin, Jr.
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Pisces & Capricorn
Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune. It's symbol is represented by the two Fish.
Pisces is a Water sign, and is emotional and compassionate.
Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn. It's symbol is represented by the Goat.
Capricorn is an Earth sign, and is conservative and ambitious.
Pisces is soft and dreamy - Capricorn is hard and stubborn. Pisces is adaptable where Capricorn is not and so Pisces will be the one to compromise and give in. Capricorn will love Pisces' sacrificing ways and will feel it is due him/her. Capricorn is ambitious but Pisces is satisfied with very little. Capricorn saves and accumulates, Pisces gives it away. Pisces will feel secure and protected with Capricorn. Actually these two signs will have less disagreements than other signs. Capricorn can straighten out Pisces' confusion. Pisces can lighten Capricorn's taciturn moods. It is a good idea to compare your rising sign to the rising sign (or Sun sign) of the person you are comparing yourself with. This will give you a more detailed overall picture of the relationship.
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"Train Crossing the Rockville Bridge" | ©2008, Stephen Conklin, Jr.
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