Media Portfolio - Pisces Photography - Autumn Photo Gallery

All of the photography on display on this website is available for a small investment which will be paid forward to others who are in need. Many thanks in advance for your support, appreciations and considerations.
If you would like more information about each photo, the "order online" link or clicking on the photo will open the store up in a new window, right at the product page for the particular photo you click on - once there, you'll see a complete description which includes the day, time and location the photo was taken, how to get there in most cases, and the story behind each photo.
This page contains only a partial collection of the photography available, the complete collection is available in the store.

"Autumn at Beaver Creek" | ©2004, Stephen Conklin, Jr.
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"Falling Leaves of Autumn" | ©2005, Stephen Conklin, Jr.
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"Autumn Color Collage" | ©2006, Stephen Conklin, Jr.
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"Autumn Leaves" | ©2004, Stephen Conklin, Jr.
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"Shadows and Light Upon a Trail" | ©2007, Stephen Conklin, Jr.
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"Autumn Fog Upon the Wishbone Tree" | ©2004, Stephen Conklin, Jr.
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"Autumn at Rickett's Glenn" | ©2008, Stephen Conklin, Jr.
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